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Thomas Adams Farm, LLC


In Crewe, Virginia, Thomas Adams Farm is cultivated by Tony and Charlet Lewis, farm manager Mr. Ben, and some help from family members. They have been producing mixed vegetables for themselves and their community for the past several years using all organic and chemical free practices. This year at Thomas Adams Farm the family is determined to scale up to meet the growing demand for local organic produce. The team provides produce for several restaurants, local church members, and hopefully a new farm stand. This small but growing operation is run on a portion of land that was passed down through generations as heirs’ property. The very land they grow on now was used as tobacco fields in the 1930’s by Tony’s grandfather. In the spirit of perseverance, the team is ramping up by adding two new green houses, constructing a new farm stand, and is excited about adding mushrooms to the operation. The farm not only provides food in a food desert but also provides learning opportunities to the local high schools by teaching workshops and holding demonstrations. Thomas Adams Farm also processes and distributes extremely nutritional sea moss that they plan to sell in local organic markets. With plans to diversify and scale their operation the team has their hands full and is ready for the season.

Leafy Greens
Sea Moss
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